

  1. T. Taniguchi, D. Mochihashi, T. Nagai, S. Uchida, N. Inoue, I. Kobayashi, T. Nakamura, Y. Hagaiwara, N. Iwahashi, T. Inamura. “ Survery on frontiers of language and robotics ” Advanced Robotics, Vol. 33, Issue 15-16, 2019.PDF[Advanced Robotics Best Survey Paper Award]
  2. T. Taniguchi, E. Ugur, M. Hoffmann, L. Jamone, T. Nagai, B. Rosman, T. Matsunaga, N. Iwahashi, E. Oztop, J. Piater and F. Worgotter. “Symbol Emergence in Cognitive Developmental Systems: a Survey. ” IEEE Transaction on Cognitive and Developmental Systems , 2018.PDF\
  3. T. Kobori, T. Nakamura, M. Nakano, T. Nagai, N. Iwahashi, K. Funakoshi and M. Kaneko. “Robust comprehension of natural language instruction by a domestic service robots.” Advanced Robotics, vol. 30, issue 24, pp.1530-1543, Nov. 2016.
  4. T. Taniguchi, T. Nagai, T. Nakamura, N. Iwahashi, T. Ogata and H. Asoh. “Symbol Emergence in Robotics: a Survey.” Advanced Robotics, vol. 30, no.11-12, pp.706-728, Apr. 2016.PDF
  5. 中村友昭,長井隆行,船越孝太郎,谷口忠大,岩橋直人,金子正秀. “マルチモーダルLDAとNPYLMを用いたロボットによる物体概念と言語モデルの相互学習.” 人工知能学会論文誌, 第30巻3号, pp.498-509, May 2015.PDF【2015年度人工知能学会論文賞】
  6. Y. Ozasa, M. Nakano, Y. Ariki and N. Iwahashi. “Discriminating Unknown Objects from Known Objects Using Image and Speech Information.” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E98-D, no.3, pp.704-711, Mar. 2015.
  7. 中村友昭, 荒木孝弥, 長井隆行, 岩橋直人. “階層ディリクレ過程に基づくロボットによる物体のマルチモーダルカテゴリゼーション.” 計測自動制御学会論文集, Vol.49, No.4, pp.469-478, 2013.
  8. X. Zuo, Taisuke Sumii, N. Iwahashi, M. Nakano, K. Funakoshi and Natsuki Oka, “Correcting Phoneme Recognition Errors in Learning  Word Pronunciation through Speech Interaction,” Speech Communication, vol.55, issue 1, pp.190-203, 2013.
  9. T. Araki, T. Nakamura, T. Nagai, K. Funakoshi, M. Nakano and N. Iwahashi. “Online Object Categorization Using Multimodal Information Autonomously Acquired by a Mobile Robot,” Advanced Robotics, vol.26, pp.1995-2020, 2012. PDF Advanced Robotics 2012 Best Paper Award 
  10. 柏岡秀紀, 翠 輝久, 水上悦雄, 杉浦孔明, 岩橋直人, 堀 智織.“観光案内への音声対話システムの活用,” 情報処理学会デジタルプラクティス, vol.3, no.4, pp.254-261, 2012.
  11. 中村友昭, アッタミミ ムハンマド, 杉浦孔明, 長井隆行, 岩橋直人, 戸田智基, 岡田浩之, 大森隆司. “拡張モバイルマニピュレーションのための新規物体の学習,” 日本ロボット学会誌, vol.30, no.2, pp.97-108, 2012.
  12. K. Sugiura, N. Iwahashi, H. Kawai and S. Nakamura. “Situated Spoken Dialogue with Robots Using Active Learning,” Advanced Robotics, vol.25, no.17, pp.2207-2243, 2011.
  13. T. Nakamura, T. Araki, T. Nagai and N. Iwahashi. “Grounding of Word Meanings in Latent Dirichlet Allocation-Based Multimodal Concepts,” Advanced Robotics, vol.25, no.17, pp.2189-2206, 2011.
  14. Tadao Taniguchi, Keita Hamahata, N. Iwahashi. “Unsupervised Segmentation of Human Motion Data Using a Sticky Hierarchical Dirichlet Process-Hidden Markov Model ad Minimal Description Length-Based Chunking Method for Imitation Learning,” Advanced Robotics, vol.25, no.17, pp.2143-2172, 2011.
  15. T. Nakamura, K. Sugiura, T. Nagai, N. Iwahashi, Hiroaki Okada and Takashi Omori. “Learning Novel Object for Extended Mobile Manipulation,” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, pp.1-18, オンラインジャーナル, 2011.
  16. K. Sugiura, N. Iwahashi, H. Kashioka and S. Nakamura. “Learning, Generation and Recognition of Motions by Reference-Point-Dependent Probabilistic Models,” Advanced Robotics, vol.25, no.6-7, pp.825-848, 2011.
  17. 杉浦孔明, 岩橋直人, 柏岡秀紀, 中村哲. “言語獲得ロボットによる発話理解確率の推定に基づく物体操作対話,” 日本ロボット学会誌, vol.28, no.8, pp.978-988, 2010.
  18. X. Zuo, N. Iwahashi, K. Funakoshi, M. Nakano, R. Taguchi, Shigeki Matsuda, K. Sugiura and Natsuki Oka. “Detecting Robot-Directed Speech by Situated Understanding in Physical Interaction.” Journal of Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence, vol.25, no.6, pp.670-682, 2010.
  19. 田口亮, 岩橋直人, 船越孝太郎, 中野幹生, 能勢隆, 新田恒雄. “統計的モデル選択に基づいた連続音声からの語彙学習.” 人工知能学会論文誌, vol..25, no.4, pp.549-559, 2010. PDF 2010年度人工知能学会論文賞】
  20. 船越孝太郎, 木村法幸, 中野幹夫, 岩橋直人. “音声対話ロボットによる語彙と言い回しの制限が無い名称学習.” 電子情報通信学会論文誌, vol.J93D, no.5, pp.610-620, 2010.
  21. 谷口忠大, 岩橋直人. “複数予測モデル遷移のN-gram統計に基づく非分節運動系列からの模倣学習手法.” 知能と情報日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌, vol.6, no.6, pp.229–240, 2009.
  22. 中村慎也, 岩橋直人, 長井隆行. “実世界における人とロボットの共有信念の推定に基づいた適応的な発話生成,” 知能と情報日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌, vol.16, no.5, pp.663-682, 2009.
  23. 中村慎也, 長井隆行, 岩橋直人, 佐藤健, 麻生英樹. “変分ベイズ法を用いたモデル構造探索に基づく抽象的単語の学習,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌, vol.J92-D, no.4, pp.467-490, 2009.
  24. 中村友昭, 長井隆行, 岩橋直人. ”ロボットによる物体のマルチモーダルカテゴリゼーション,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌, vol.J91-D, no.10, pp. 2507-2518, 2009.
  25. T. Taniguchi, N. Iwahashi, K. Sugiura, T. Sawaragi. “Constructive Approach to Role-Reversal Imitation Through Unsegmented Interactions,” Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 567-577, 2008.
  26. N. Iwahashi. “Interactive Learning of Spoken Words and Their Meanings Through an Audio-Visual Interface,” Trans. of Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol. E91-D, no. 2, pp. 312-321, 2008.
  27. 長井隆行, 岩橋直人. ”物体のマルチモーダルカテゴリゼーション,” 情報科学技術レターズ, vol.5, pp. 183-186, 2006.
  28. N. Iwahashi. “Language Acquisition Through a Human-robot Interface by Combining Speech, Visual, and Behavioral Information,” Information Sciences, vol.156, pp.109-121, 2003.
  29. N. Iwahashi. “Training Method for Pattern Classifier Based on the Performance After Adaptation,” Trans. of Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol. E83-D, pp. 1560-1566, 2000.
  30. N. Iwahashi and Y. Sagisaka. “Statistical Modelling of Speech Segment Duration by Constrained Tree Regression,” Trans. of Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol. E83-D, pp. 1550-1559, 2000.
  31. N. Iwahashi and Y. Sagisaka. “Speech Segment Network Approach for Optimal Synthesis Unit Set,” Computer Speech and Language, pp.335-352, 1995.
  32. N. Iwahashi and Y. Sagisaka. “Speech Spectrum Conversion Based on Speaker Interpolation and Multi-functional Representation with Weighting by Radial Basis Function Networks,” Speech Communication, vol.16, pp139-151, 1995.
  33. 平井俊男, 岩橋直人, 樋口宜男, 匂坂芳典. “統計的手法を用いた基本周波数制御規則の自動抽出,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌, vol.J78-D-II, pp.1572-1580, 1995.  (英訳 T. Hirai, N. Iwahashi, N. Higuchi and Y. Sagisaka. “Automatic Extraction of Fundamental Frequency Control Rules by Statistical Analysis,” Systems and Computers in Japan, vol.28, no.3, pp.91–100, 1997.)
  34. N. Iwahashi, Nobuyuki Kaiki and Y. Sagisaka. “Speech Segment Selection for Concatenative Synthesis Based on Spectral Distortion Minimization,” Trans. of Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, vol. E76-A, pp. 1942-1948, 1993.


  1. 岩橋直人 “人工知能” 人間の許容・適応限界事典, IX-05, pp.677-683, 朝倉書店, 2022. PDF
  2. 岩橋直人 “協力する知能をつくる ―運転から言語獲得までを統べる協力の数理” 人工知能を用いた五感・認知機能の可視化とメカニズム解明, 技術情報協会, pp.413-427, 2021. PDF
  3. アンジェロ・カンジェロシ、マシュー・シュレシンジャ―  “発達ロボティクスハンドブック ロボットで探る認知発達の仕組み” 福村出版, 2019, (翻訳)岡田浩之、谷口忠大、岩橋直人、他 
  4. 岩橋直人  “ Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Networkによる参照点に依存した動作の認識 ” センサフュージョン技術の開発と応用事例、技術情報協会, 2019
  5. R. Taguchi, N. Iwahashi, K. Funakoshi, M. Nakano, T. Nose and T. Nitta. “Learning Physically Grounded Lexicons from Spoken Utterances,”in Human Machine Interaction – Getting Closer, M. Inaki, Ed. InTech, 2012, pp.69-84.
  6. M. Attamimi, T. Nakamura, K. Sugiura, T. Nagai and N. Iwahashi. “Learning Novel Objects for Domestic Service Robots,” The Future of Humanoid Robots – Research and Applications, R. Zaier, Ed. InTech, 2012, pp.257-276.
  7. K. Sugiura, N. Iwahashi, H. Kashioka and S. Nakamura. “Statistic Imitation Learning in Sequential Object Manipulation Tasks,” in Advances in Manipulators,” E. Hall, Ed. INTECH, 2010, pp.589-606.
  8. 岩橋直人. “マルチモーダル言語学習,” 言語処理学事典, 共立出版, 2009, pp.428-429.
  9. R. Taguchi, N. Iwahashi and T. Nitta. “Learning Communicative Meanings of Utterances by Robots,” in New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence LNCS / LNAI 5447, H. Hattori, T. Kawamura, T. Ide, M. Yokoo, Y. Murakami, Eds. Springer, 2009, pp. 62-72.
  10. N. Iwahashi, M. Nakano and Noriko Mibayashi, Eds. Proceedings of Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces in Semantic Interaction. ACM, 2007. ISBN 978-1-59593-869-5.
  11. N. Iwahashi. “Robots That Learn Language: A Developmental Approach to Situated Human-Robot Conversations,” in Human-Robot Interaction, N. Sarkar Ed. Vienna: I-Tech Education and Publishing, 2007, pp.95-118.
  12. N. Iwahashi. “A Study on Optimization in Corpus-based Text-to-speech Synthesis,” Doctor Thesis, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2001.
  13. T. Hirai, N. Iwahashi, N. Higuchi and Y. Sagisaka. “Automatic Extraction of F0 Control Rules Using Statistical Analysis,” in Progress in Speech Synthesis, J.P.H.V. Santen, R.W. Sproat, J.P. Olive and J. Hirschberg, Eds. Academic Press, 1996, pp. 333-346.
  14. Y. Sagisaka and N. Iwahashi. “Objective Optimization in Algorithms for Text-to-Speech Synthesis,” in Speech Coding and Synthesis, W.B. Kleijn, and K.K. Paliwal, Eds. ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. 1996, pp.685-706.


  1. 杉浦孔明, 岩橋直人, 芳賀麻誉美, 堀智織. “観光スポット推薦アプリ「京のおすすめ」を用いた長期実証実験.” 観光と情報, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 15-24, 2014.
  2. 岩橋直人,谷口忠大. “特集:「記号創発ロボティクス」にあたって.” 人工知能学会誌,vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 544-545, 2012.
  3. 岩橋直人. “ロボットと言語―言語コミュニケーション能力の機械学習.” 人工知能学会誌, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 563-568, 2012.
  4. 岩橋直人. “人間とロボットの言語コミュニケーションにおける間主観性.” 人工知能学会誌, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 352-359, 2011.
  5. 中村友昭, 長井隆行, 岩橋直人. “ロボットによる物体のマルチモーダルカテゴリゼーション.” 画像ラボ, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 31-36, 2009.
  6. 岩橋直人. “言語コミュニケーションのための機械学習.” 人工知能学会誌, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 522-525, 2003.
  7. 岩橋直人. “ロボットによる言語獲得 -言語処理の新しいパラダイムを目指して.” 人工知能学会誌, vol. 18, no. 1, pp.49-58, 2003. PDF
  8. 岩橋直人. “私の薦めるこの一冊『ハイデガーと認知科学』.” 日本音響学会誌, vol.59, no.7, 2003.
  9. 岩橋直人. “論文紹介『Inside-Outside アルゴリズムを用いた確率付き文脈自由文法の推定』” 情報処理学会誌, vol.34, no.1, pp.117-118, 1993.


  1. T. Naito, N. Hirota, Y. Hagiwara, N. Iwahashi, T. Taniguchi: “Action-Feasibility-Based Pragmatic Understanding of Ambiguous by Service Robots,” IEEE/SICE Int. Symposium on System Integration, 2022.
  2. N. Iwahashi, “Physics Projection,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Awareness Science and Technology, 2019. PDF
  3. N. Iwahashi, “Equilibrium Selective Role Coordination for Autonomous Driving, ” IEEE Int. Conf. on Awareness Science and Technology, 2019. PDF
  4. K. Takabuchi, N. Iwahashi, Y.K. Thu and T. Kunishima. “DNN-based Object Manipulation to Syllable Sequence for Language Acquisition,” in Proc. Int. Symp. Artificial Life and Robotics, Jan. 2017.
  5. T. Kobori, T. Nakamura, T. Nagai, N. Iwahashi M. Nakano, K. Funakoshi and Masahide Kaneko. “Robust Comprehension of Spoken Instructions using Multimodal Information for a Domestic Service Robot,” in Proc. IROS2016  Workshop on Machine Learning Methods for High-Level Cognitive Capabilities in Robotics, Oct. 2016.
  6. K. Takabuchi, N. Iwahashi and Takeo Kunishima. “A Language Acquisition Method Based on Statistical Machine Translation for Application to Robots,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Developmental Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Sep. 2016.
  7. T. Nakamura, S. Nagasaka, T. Nagai, T. Tanigu, K. Funakoshi and N. Iwahashi. “Mutual Learning of an Objet Concept and Language Model Based on MLDA and NPYLM,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.157-162, 2014.
  8. T. Nakamura, T. Araki, T. Nagai, S. Nagasaka, T. Taniguchi and N. Iwahashi. “Multimodal Concept and Word Learning Using Phoneme Sequences with Errors”, in Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.157-162, 2013.
  9. Y. Ozasa, M. Nakano, N. Iwahashi and Y. Ariki. “Disambiguation in Unknown Object Detection by Integrating Image and Speech Recognition Confidences,” in Proc. Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2012. (Computer Vision – ACCV 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7724, pp 85-96, 2013, Springer.) pdfボタン
  10. T. Araki, T. Nakamura, T. Nagai, S. Nagasaka, T. Taniguchi and N. Iwahashi. “Online Learning of Concepts and Words Using Multimodal Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Language Model,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.1623-1630, 2012.  IROS 2012 Best Student Paper Finalist
  11. T. Nakamura, T. Nagai and N. Iwahashi. “Bag of Multimodal Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes: Model of Complex Conceptual Structure for Intelligent Robots,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.3818-3823, 2012.
  12. Yuko Ozasa, N. Iwahashi, T. Takiguchi, Y. Ariki and M. Nakano. “Integrated Multimodal Information for Detection of Unknown Objects and Unknown Names,”  in Proc. Int. Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, pp.631-634, 2012.
  13. T. Araki, T. Nakamura, T. Nagai, K. Funakoshi, M. Nakano and N. Iwahashi. “Autonomous acquisition of multimodal information for online object concept formation by robots,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.1540-1547, 2011. Award for IROS 2011 Best Paper Finalist】【IROS 2011 Best Student Paper Finalist
  14. K. Sugiura, N. Iwahashi and H. Kashioka. “Motion Generation by reference-point-dependent trajectory hmms,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.350-356, 2011. IROS 2011 RoboCup Best Paper Award   
  15. T. Nakamura, T. Nagai and N. Iwahashi. “Multimodal categorization by hierarchical dirichlet process,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.1520-1525, 2011.
  16. R. Taguchi, Y. Yamada, K. Hattoki, T. Umezaki, M. Hoguro, N. Iwahashi, K. Funakoshi and M. Nakano. “Learning Place-Names from Spoken Utterances and Localization Results by Mobile Robot,” in Proc. INTERSPEECH, pp.1325-1328,2011.
  17. T. Nakamura, T. Nagai and N. Iwahashi. “Bag of Multimodal LDA Models for Concept Formation,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, pp.6233-6238, 2011.
  18. X. Zuo, T. Sumii, N. Iwahashi, K. Funakoshi, M. Nakano and N. Oka. “Interactive Correction of phoneme recognition errors in word learning through speech interface,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop Spoken Language Technology, pp.348-353, 2010.
  19. N. Iwahashi, K. Sugiura, R. Taguchi, T. Nagai and T. Taniguchi. “Robots That Learn to Communicate: A Developmental Approach to Personally and Physically Situated Human-Robot Conversations,” in Proc. AAAI Fall Symposium on Dialog with Robots, pp.38-43, 2010.
  20. M. Nakano, N. Iwahashi, T. Nagai, Taisuke Sumii, X. Zuo, R. Taguchi, T. Nose, A. Mizutani, T. Nakamura, M. Attamim, H. Narimatsu, K. Funakoshi and Y. Hasegawa. “Grounding New Words on the Physical World in Multi-Domain Human-Robot Dialogues,” in Proc. AAAI Fall Symposium on Dialog with Robots, pp.74-79, 2010.
  21. K. Sugiura, N. Iwahashi, H. Kawai and S. Nakamura. “Active Learning for Generating Motion and Utterances in Object Manipulation Dialogue Tasks,” in Proc. AAAI Fall Symposium on Dialog with Robots, pp.115-120, 2010.
  22. K. Sugiura, N. Iwahashi, H. Kashioka and S. Nakamura. “Active Learning of Confidence Measure Function in Robot Language Acquisition Framework,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.1774-1779, 2010.
  23. X. Zuo, N. Iwahashi, R. Taguchi, K. Funakoshi, M. Nakano, S. Matsuda, K. Sugiura and N. Oka. “Detecting Robot-Directed Speech by Situated Understanding in Object Manipulation Tasks,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Robot and Human Interactive Communication, pp.643-648, 2010.
  24. T. Taniguchi, H. Nakanishi and N. Iwahashi. “Simultaneous estimation of role and response strategy in human-robot role-reversal imitation learning,” in Proc. the 11th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, in CD-ROM, 2010.
  25. M. Attamimi, A. Mizutani, T. Nakamura, K. Sugiura, T. Nagai, N. Iwahashi, Hiroyuki Okada and Takashi Omori. “Learning Novel Objects Using Out-of-Vocabulary Word Segmentation and Object Extraction for Home Assistant Robots,” in Proc of IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, pp.745-750, 2010. 2010年度ロボカップ研究賞】
  26. X. Zuo, N. Iwahashi, R. Taguchi, S. Matsuda, K. Sugiura, K. Funakoshi, M. Nakano and Natsuki Oka. “Robot-Directed Speech Detection Using Multimodal Semantic Confidence Based on Speech, Image, and Motion,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp. 2458-2461, 2010.
  27. T. Nakamura, T. Nagai and N. Iwahashi. “Grounding of Word Meanings in Multimodal Concepts Using LDA,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.3943-3948, 2009.
  28. R. Taguchi, N. Iwahashi, Takashi Nose, K. Funakoshi and M. Nakano. “Learning Lexicons from Spoken Utterances Based on Statistical Model Selection,” in Proc. INTERSPEECH, pp.2731-2734, 2009.
  29. K. Sugiura, N. Iwahashi, H. Kashioka and S. Nakamura. “Bayesian Learning of Confidence Measure Function for Generation of Utterances and Motions in Object Manipulation Dialogue Task,” in Proc. INTERSPEECH, pp.2483-2486, 2009.
  30. N. Iwahashi, R. Taguchi, K. Sugiura, K. Funakoshi and M. Nakano. “Robots that Learn to Converse: Developmental Approach to Situated Language Processing,” in Proc. Int. Symp. Speech and Language, pp.532-537, 2009.
  31. T. Taniguchi and N. Iwahashi. “Imitation Learning from Unsegmented Human Motion using Switching Autoregressive Model and Singular Vector Decomposition,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing, vol. I, pp. 953-961, 2008, Auckland, New Zealand.
  32. K. Sugiura and N. Iwahashi. “Motion Recognition and Generation by Combining Reference-Point-Dependent Probabilistic Models,” in Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 852-857, 2008, Nice, France.
  33. T. Taniguchi, N. Iwahashi. “Computational Model of Role Reversal Imitation Through Continuous Human-Robot Interaction,” in Proc. Int. Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces in Semantic Interaction, pp. 25-31, 2007.
  34. K. Sugiura and N. Iwahashi. “Learning Object-Manipulation Verbs for Human-Robot Communication,” in Proc. Int. Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces in Semantic Interaction, pp. 32-38, 2007.
  35. K. Funakoshi, M. Nakano, Noriyuki Kimura and N. Iwahashi. “Robust Acquisition and Recognition of Spoken Location Names by Domestic Robots,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 1435-1440, 2007.
  36. T. Nakamura, T. Nagai and N. Iwahashi. “Multimodal Object Categorization by a Robot,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 2415-2420, 2007.
  37. N. Iwahashi. “Robots that learn language,” in Proc. Int. Workshop on Emergence and Evolution of Linguistic Communication, pp.142-179, 2006.
  38. N. Campbell, T. Sadanobu, M. Imura, N. Iwahashi, S. Noriko, D. Douxchamps. “A multimedia database of meetings and informal interactions for tracking participant involvement and discourse flow,” in Proc Int. Conf. Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC, 2006.
  39. T. Nagai and N. Iwahashi. “Object Categorization Using Multimodal Information,” in Proc. IEEE TENCON2006, pp. 1-4, 2006.pdfボタン
  40. N. Iwahashi. “Active and unsupervised learning of spoken words through a multimodal interface,” in Proc. 13th IEEE Workshop Robot and Human Interactive Communication, pp. 437-442, 2004.
  41. N. Iwahashi. “A method for forming mutual beliefs for communication through human-robot multi-modal interaction,” in Proc. SIGDial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, pp.79-86, 2003.
  42. N. Iwahashi. “A method for coupling of belief systems through human-robot language interaction,” in Proc. Int. Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, pp.385-390, 2003.
  43. N. Iwahashi. “Speaker adaptation in noisy environments based on parameter estimation using uncertain data,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, pp.528-531, 2000.
  44. N. Iwahashi. “Language acquisition through a human-robot interface,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, pp.442-447, 2000.
  45. N. Iwahashi. “Statistical model based approach to spoken language acquisition,” Pacific Rim Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI) 2000 Topics in Artificial Intelligence Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp.657-667, 2000.
  46. N. Iwahashi. “Spoken language acquisition algorithm with the conceptual analysis of nonlinguistic perceptual information,” in Proc. Joint Conference on Information Science, 2000.
  47. N. Iwahashi, H. Pao, H. Honda, K. Minamino and M. Omote. “Stochastic features for noise robust speech recognition,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp.633-636, 1998.
  48. N. Iwahashi. “Novel training method for classifiers used in speaker adaptation,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Spoken Language, pp.2119-2122, 1996.
  49. N. Iwahashi. “Design Method for a Pattern Classifier Suited to Adaptation,” in Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, 1996.
  50. N. Iwahashi and Y. Sagisaka. “Voice adaptation using multi-functional transformation with weighting by radial basis function networks,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, pp.1599-1603, 1994.
  51. T. Hirai, N. Iwahashi, N. Higuchi and Y. Sagisaka. “Automatic   extraction of F0 control parameters using statistic analysis,” in The second ESCA/IEEE workshop on speech synthesis, pp.57-60, 1994.
  52. N. Iwahashi and Y. Sagisaka. “Speech spectrum transformation by speaker interpolation,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1994.
  53. N. Iwahashi and Y. Sagisaka. “Duration Modeling with Multiple Spilt Regression,” in Proc. of Eurospeech, pp.329-323, 1993.
  54. J. Wang, N. Campbell, N. Iwahashi and Y. Sagisaka. “Tree-based unit selection for English speech synthesis,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp.191-194, 1993.
  55. N. Iwahashi and Y. Sagisaka. “Speech segment network approach for an optimal synthesis unit set,” in Proc. Int. Conference on Spoken Language Processing, pp. 479-482, 1992.
  56. Y. Sagisaka, N. Kaiki, N. Iwahashi and K. Mimura. “ATR ν-talk speech synthesis system,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, pp. 479-482, 1992.
  57. N. Iwahashi, N. Kaiki and Y. Sagisaka, “Concatenative speech synthesis by minimum distortion criteria,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. II, pp. 65-68, 1992.


  1. 寺尾光一郎, 岩橋直人, “ コレクティブLLMsのミクロマクロリンクの多様性” 人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会, Feb. 2024.
  2. 岩橋直人, 寺尾光一郎, “ コレクティブLLMダイナミクスの数理分析” 人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会, Feb. 2024.
  3. 岩橋直人, 相良陸成, 田口亮, 船越孝太郎, “ 動的計画共有と共同運動主体感モデルに基づく身体的共同行為における調整のための会話の分析” 人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会, Dec. 2023.
  4. 岩橋直人, 笹倉晴景, 古家祐介, 樫本幸八, 趙敏廷, 樟本千里, 澤田陽一, 坂野純子, “ 協力におけるパーソナリティと認知と行動: 個人内および個人分析” 日本認知科学会第40会大会, 2023. PDF
  5. N. Iwahashi, K. Funakoshi, “ Cooperative Behavior Interactive Simulator RoCoCo for Dialogue Research” 人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会, 2022. PDF
  6. N. Iwahashi, “ Finding an Equilibrium Trellis in Dynamics ” The 35th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 2G1-GS-2d-03, 2021.
  7. Y. Takatsu, M. Imaki, N. Iwahashi, “ Mathematical Analysis of Physical Cooperative Behavior of Humans and Machines using RoCoCo ” The 35th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 2I4-GS-5c-02, 2021. PDF
  8. N. Iwahashi, H. Okada, K. Funakoshi, “ Theory of Cooperation: Exploring Human and Machine Capabilities ” 日本認知科学会大会 OS10-1, pp.1007-1009, 2020. PDF
  9. N. Iwahashi, H. Okada, K. Funakoshi, “ Theory of Cooperation: Cognitive and Mathematical Principles of Cooperation and Their Application ” The 34th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 1P5-GS-7-02, 2020. PDF
  10. K. Nishie, Y. Takatsu, N. Iwahashi, “ Physics-Engine-Based Robot Planning in Physics Projection ” The 34th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 2D5-OS-18b-01, 2020. PDF
  11. 岩橋直人、岡田浩之、船越孝太郎、“『協力の理論』構築へ向けて:協力する人工知能のための機能と認知と数理 ” ゲーム理論ワークショップ 2020
  12. N. Iwahashi, H. Negoro, S. Kawano, “ Physics Projection: Intelligence with Physical World ” The 33th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 2J4-OS-19a-02, 2019. PDF


  1. Advanced Robotics Best Survey Paper Award (2021年9月9日)
     T. Taniguchi, D. Mochihashi, T. Nagai, S. Uchida, N. Inoue, I. Kobayashi, T. Nakamura, Y. Hagaiwara, N. Iwahashi, T. Inamura. “ Survery on frontiers of language and robotics ” Advanced Robotics, Vol. 33, Issue 15-16, 2019.
  2. 2016年度ロボカップ研究賞(2017年5月6日)
    Takahiro Kobori, Tomoaki Nakamura, Mikio Nakano, Takayuki Nagai, Naoto Iwahashi, Kotaro Funakoshi and Masahide Kaneko. “ Robust Comprehension of Natural Language Instructions by a Domestic Service Robot,” Advanced Robotics. pp.1530-1543, Nov. 2016.
  3. 2015年度人工知能学会論文賞(2016年6月24日)
    中村友昭, 長井隆行, 船越孝太郎, 谷口忠大, 岩橋直人, 金子正秀. “マルチモーダルLDAとNPYLMを用いたロボットによる物体概念と言語モデルの相互学習”  人工知能学会
  4. 優秀講演賞(2013年12月)
    A. Muhammad, 長井隆行, 岩橋直人, 奥乃博,  “音声命令と行動予測に基づく文脈を考慮したロボットの行動決定” 計測自動制御学会
  5. Advanced Robotics 2012 Best Paper Award(2013年9月)
    T. Araki, T. Nakamura, T. Nagai, K. Funakoshi, M. Nakano and N. Iwahashi.  “Online Object Categorization Using Multimodal Information Autonomously Acquired by a Mobile Robot” Advanced Robotics, vol.26, pp.1995-2020, 2012.
  6. Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems 2012 Award for Best Student Paper Finalist(2012年10月)
    T. Araki, T. Nakamura, T. Nagai, S. Nagasaka, T. Taniguchi and N. Iwahashi.  “Online Learning of Concepts and Words Using Multimodal Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Language Model” RSJ/SICE
  7. 2012年ロボカップ世界大会@ホームリーグ 準優勝(2012年6月)
    情報通信研究機構・電通大・玉川大の共同, RoboCup Federation
  8. ロボカップ日本大会@ホームリーグ 優勝(2012年5月)
    情報通信研究機構・電通大の共同, ロボカップ日本委員会
  9. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2011 RoboCup Best Paper Award(2011年9月)
    K. Sugiura, N. Iwahashi, H. Kashioka. “Motion Generation by Reference-Point-Dependent Trajectory HMMs” RoboCup Federation.
  10. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2011 Award for Best Paper Finalist(2011年9月)
    T. Araki, T. Nakamura, T. Nagai, K. Funakoshi, M. Nakano, N. Iwahashi. “Autonomous Acquisition of Multimodal Information for Online Object Concept Formation by Robots” RSJ/SICE
  11. 2010年度人工知能学会論文賞(2011年6月)
    田口亮, 岩橋直人, 船越孝太郎, 中野幹生, 能勢隆, 新田恒雄. “統計的モデル選択に基づいた連続音声からの語彙学習” 人工知能学会
  12. ロボカップ日本大会 人工知能学会賞(2011年5月)
  13. ロボカップ日本大会@ホームリーグ 優勝(2011年5月)
    情報通信研究機構・電通大・玉川大の共同, ロボカップ日本委員会
  14. 2010年度ロボカップ研究賞(2011年5月)
    M. Attamimi, A. Mizutani, T. Nakamura, K. Sugiura, T. Nagai, N. Iwahashi, H. Okada and T. Omori. “Learning Novel Objects Using Out-of-Vocabulary Word Segmentation and Object Extraction for Home Assistant Robots” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, ロボカップ日本委員会
  15. ソニー発明考案実施特別表彰特級(2010年12月)
    米国特許 High Efficiency Coding Apparatus for Coding a Digital Audio Signal (ミニディスク(商品名)と音楽配信サービスで使用されているオーディオ符号化方式ATRACの基本特許)ソニー株式会社
  16. ロボカップ世界大会@ホームリーグ 優勝(2010年6月)
    情報通信研究機構・電通大・玉川大の共同,RoboCup Federation
  17. ロボカップ日本大会 ロボット学会賞(2010年5月)
    「家庭内での作業に適した移動機構と多様なセンサーを持つロボットの実現」 (情報通信研究機構,電通大,玉川大の共同),日本ロボット学会
  18. ロボカップ日本大会@ホームリーグ 優勝(2010年5月)
  19. 情報通信研究機構内部表彰成績優秀表彰(2010年4月)
  20. ファジィシンポジウム査読ありセッション優秀論文賞(2009年7月)
    谷口忠大, 岩橋直人. “複数予測モデル遷移のN-gram 統計に基づく非分節運動系列からの模倣学習手法” 日本知能情報ファジィ学会
  21. ロボカップ世界大会@ホームリーグ 準優勝(2009年7月)
    情報通信研究機構・電通大・玉川大との共同,RoboCup Federation
  22. ロボカップ日本大会 人工知能学会賞(2009年5年)
    「ロボットの動作模倣学習」 情報通信研究機構・電通大・玉川大の共同, 人工知能学会
  23. ロボカップ日本大会@ホームリーグ 優勝(2009年5月)
    情報通信研究機構・電通大・玉川大の共同, ロボカップ日本委員会
  24. ロボカップ世界大会@ホームリーグ 優勝(2008年7月)
    情報通信研究機構・電通大・玉川大の共同, RoboCup Federation
  25. ロボカップ日本大会@ホームリーグ 優勝(2008年5年)
    情報通信研究機構・電通大・玉川大の共同, ロボカップ日本委員会
  26. ソニーリサーチフォーラム・エクセレントペーパー賞(2008年11月)
    包, 本田, 南野, 表, 小川, 岩橋. “Stochastic Feature Extraction for Improving Noise Robustness in Speech Recognition,” ソニー株式会社
  27. ソニー発明・考案実施特別表彰・1級(1997年11月)
    米国特許 High Efficiency Coding Apparatus For Coding a Digital Audio Signal (共同出願者:藤原義仁,梅沢知子,西口正之,阿久根誠,赤桐健三) ミニディスク(商品名)と音楽配信で採用されているオーディオ符号化方式(ATRAC)の基本特許,ソニー株式会社
  28. ATR論文表彰(1996年4月)
    平井俊男, 岩橋直人, 樋口宣男, 匂坂芳典. “統計的手法を用いた基本周波数制御規則の自動抽出” 国際電気通信基礎技術研究所
  29. ATR研究開発表彰(1993年4月)
    ATR ν-Talk日本語音声合成システムの開発(共同受賞者:匂坂芳典,海木延佳,三村克彦),国際電気通信基礎技術研究所
Copyright © Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Department of information and Communication Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Okayama Prefectural University. All rights reserved.